21 July 2022
Brewing great coffee in a hotel room is easier than you might think. In this blog post, we will share some tips and tricks that will help you make the perfect cup of coffee while on the road. Whether you're using a coffee maker or a French press, we've got you covered. So sit back, relax, and enjoy a cup of fresh-brewed coffee made just the way you like it!
What you will need to brew coffee in a hotel
First, you'll need to choose your coffee maker. We think there are three great choices when it comes to portability and ease of use. These are the AeroPress, French Press, or V60 coffee dripper. All three methods fit perfectly in a suitcase or rucksack, brew good coffee, and require little else in terms of equipment.
What else should I pack alongside my chosen coffee maker?
Once you've decided on your coffee maker, it's time to gather the rest of your supplies. For all three brewing methods, you'll need freshly ground coffee or roasted coffee beans, water, and a mug. You can make use of pre-ground coffee however with the array of great handheld grinders that are now available we really would recommend packing one along with your coffee maker if you can to benefit from freshly ground beans. If you're using an AeroPress or V60, you'll also need a filter. And if you're using a French Press, you'll need a spoon.
Now that you have all your supplies, it's time to get brewing!

Instructions for each coffee maker
Aeropress instructions:
- Attach the filter to the Aeropress lid and wet it with hot water from the tap. This will help eliminate any paper taste.
- Place the Aeropress on your mug and add freshly ground coffee to the chamber. We recommend using 14 grams of coffee for a 16-ounce cup.
- Fill the Aeropress with hot water, leaving about an inch of space at the top. Stir gently for about 20 seconds.
- Insert the plunger and press slowly and evenly until you hear a hissing sound. This means all the air has been pressurized out of the chamber and you're ready to filter.
- Detach the lid and plunge the coffee into your mug.
French Press instructions:
- Start by boiling water in a kettle and then letting it sit for about 30 seconds to cool slightly. You don't want to use boiling water as it will scald the coffee grounds and make your coffee taste bitter.
- Add freshly ground coffee to the French press carafe. We recommend using 14 grams of coffee for a 16-ounce cup.
- Pour hot water over the grounds and stir gently.
- Place the lid on the French press, making sure not to push down the plunger.
- Let the coffee steep for four minutes.
- After four minutes, slowly press down on the plunger until it reaches the bottom of the carafe.
- Pour your coffee into a mug and enjoy!
V60 instructions:
- Start by boiling water in a kettle and then letting it sit for about 30 seconds to cool slightly. You don't want to use boiling water as it will scald the coffee grounds and make your coffee taste bitter.
- Place a filter in the V60 and wet it with hot water from the tap. This will help eliminate any paper taste.
- Add freshly ground coffee to the V60. We recommend using 14 grams of coffee for a 16-ounce cup.
- Pour hot water over the grounds and stir gently.
- Let the coffee steep for four minutes.
- After four minutes, slowly press down on the plunger until it reaches the bottom of the V60.
- Pour your coffee into a mug and enjoy!
What are the most common problems when trying to brew great coffee in a hotel room?
Making great coffee in hotel rooms can be challenging where equipment is limited. For example, some hotels may not provide access to a kettle in your room which then means you need an alternative to boil water such as an immersion heater or travel kettle.
Kettles that are provided in many hotels will often feature basic settings and provide very hot water, not at an ideal brewing temperature. If you're in pursuit of a decent cup of coffee that closely resembles what you make at home in your own brewing setup then this could be an issue.
For drip coffee, you're going to need a receptacle or carafe when brewing. Quite often you'll find a mug or travel cup in a hotel room although these aren't always a good size so you may struggle to find something that the V60 sits on top of (if you can pack a small glass carafe for the trip or a travel mug.
If you're lucky enough to find an in-room coffee maker included during your stay then you're likely to find it will be a capsule-style machine. We know you're wanting your favourite blend though and you want it fresh with the same great taste you get at home so although these are convenient we suggest simply using a hotel coffee maker for hot water if there is a hot water function on it.
When you've finished brewing you need to ensure everything is fully cleaned and dried thoroughly before returning it to your case. This is so important otherwise you'll end up with some interesting tie dye stains on your white shirts!
Lastly, brewing time can be an issue when making coffee in your room. When you're on holiday, visiting loved ones, or working away we know you want to spend as little time in your hotel room as possible and more time on what matters. Brewing with a portable coffee maker will take a few minutes to set up but also a few minutes to clean up so bear this in mind before brewing.

What coffee grounds or beans should I pack?
This will depend on the type of coffee you enjoy. The coffee makers discussed in this article will allow for a little flexibility however if you're undecided whether or not to have an espresso or a cappuccino on your travels then we would choose a blend suited to both espresso and milk-based drinks.
If you pack coffee beans remember to pack a good quality handheld grinder too. You'll benefit from that fresh and incredible aroma in your hotel room and a better coffee experience all around.
Brewing great coffee in a hotel room is easy with these tips! Now that you know how to make coffee while on the road, there's no excuse not to enjoy a fresh cup wherever you go. So get out there and start exploring with a delicious cup of coffee in hand!
Happy brewing!